Author: Gordon Hyslop
August 2015
in FishingAugust report 2015 Ballantrae Bridge has been very lightly fished by the family and his guests so far and are counting a number of good quality grilse. The larger fish seem to have carried on up river. Balnowlart continued to put a few on the bank during the month. Successful rods here were Andy Ewing,…
week beginning Aug 3rd
in FishingWeek beginning Aug 3rd, water all week has provided the anglers with some fantastic sport. The start of the week the levels were on the low side with only an odd fish caught ,then as we moved into midweek things really got going with the water going over 7ft on the gauge At Colmonell bridge.…
May 2015
in FishingThe first salmon of the season was caught on the 29th May from the Scaur at Knockdolian by myself (Gordon Hyslop) It was late evening just after 9pm, the fish took a Stinchar Flamethrower Tube, it was around 11lbs, a hen fish, no lice but spanking fresh and after a quick photo swam away strongly.…
Spring catch and release now law in Scotland
in FishingThe Scottish Government has banned the killing of Salmon by rod and line and nets before April 1st. The law comes into force on Jan 9th 2015. If a fish is killed accidentally it MUST BE RETURNED TO THE RIVER. Many district boards are strongly recommending that this law should be extended to July 1st.…
October 20th
in FishingAt Ballantrae Bridge Robert Redhead’s party caught 9 salmon and four sea trout during the week beginning 6th October including an 18lb cock fish from the Lower Bridge Pool caught by Robert Stock. Following week, water level dropped to low summer height and the Bond party caught 1 grilse and 1 sea trout with Saturday…
October ’14
in FishingThe dry spell finally ended with torrential rain on Friday October 3rd. On the Saturday morning the river was just below 5ft on the gauge on Colmonell Bridge. Farther heavy showers all morning kept it running high and dirty and also full of leaves rendering it unfishable all day. Sunday, the water had fined down…
August 2014
in FishingRiver Stinchar report, week ending 17th August 2014 The season so far on Stinchar has been a non-event really. It seems so long ago, Les Howarth got us off the mark with his fish on May 8th then again on the 20th. Since then we had an incident of fish dying in the river. A…
Farson Digital Cam
in FishingWe now have installed a new marker on Colmonell bridge – one which can be read from the camera. I contacted Glyn Howells from Farsons during the winter with the view to zooming in to be able to see the gauge clearly without the imposing scale in the view. Glyn informed me the only way…