News 2010

July 2010

Barr bridge
Barr bridge

The season is finally under way after the prolonged drought ended last
week-end with a 3ft rise on Sunday 11th. Rods were out early on Monday
morning despite most of the water disappearing overnight.

As far as I can
gather the 1st fish off the river was caught by Phil Haughton up on the wee
Stinchar between Pinwherry & Pinmore, a lovely grilse of 6lb.

There were also reports of 2 fish off Kirkhill the same day.

More rain on Thursday lifted the river to 4ft at Colmonell.

On Friday the Balnowlart syndicate rods had 2 fish. One 10lb to Kenny
Gibson & the other 8lb to Ian Erskine.

By Saturday the river was at 2ft (Colmonell) and saw the Balnowlart rods
land 2 more, this time to Hugh McLatchie 9lb on a stoats tail & one to Kenny
Hyslop, a 7lb sea licer.

Robert Dalrymple decided to go for a cast on sat evening after hearing of
the 2 or 3 caught & landed a good fish of 9 or 10lbs in Diana’s which  was

Interestingly 3 of these fish caught were not very fresh and we can only
assume they have been lying down in the estuary for a number of weeks.

A good few sea-trout have been encountered, best so far a cracker of
around 5lbs to Hugh McLatchie – all returned.

On another matter the river board is currently waiting for the
appropriate license to start work on the river mouth.  The mouth has been
moving north at an alarming rate over the last few years and is now giving
cause for concern regarding flooding to Ballantrae. It is intended to cut it
straight through the gravel bar thus doing away with the long back-water
which was always a problem for salmon if a seal or two got in there. So
hopefully the work will make it safer for fish to enter the river.

I hope everyone has a great season but please limit your kill, not kill
your limit, remember we would love to hear from you with reports of your
catches & photos (a camera should be part of your tackle nowadays).

Gordon at
or text or phone 07767 332800

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