
Oct 1st half

The water levels for the first week of Oct could only be described as perfect. Showers throughout the week kept it topped up, and yes some days had it creeping up but even though it can unsettle the fish, one would of thought given these conditions catches would surely improve. Not so, in
fact it was a very poor week, with only a handful of fish landed. Fish were hooked but many were lost as if they were only coming half heartedly to the fly.
The second week started with lower water which continued to fall away until heavy rain all day on Thurs had it back up to 6ft through the night and was still 5ft 9in on Fri morning. This was rather high for most of the day but certainly looked good for the Sat.
Unfortunately, one of the tenants due to arrive at Ballantrae Bridge became unwell and had to cancel, resulting in the owner fishing the week with friends. Robert Dalrymple was out on Tues evening and connected with a good big coloured cock fish in Sam’s Pot which he landed and returned estimated at 15lbs. I was invited to fish on the Sat and also got hold of a big wily cock fish in Sam’s Pot. This one would be a good 12lb and very coloured and was quickly returned. These fish are great sport and don’t give up easily despite playing them hard. Later in the afternoon I landed a small fish around 5lb and my nephew Kenneth had a nice fairly fresh hen about 12lb. Both fish were from the Low Battery and returned.
Knockdolian had 16 for the first week then as the water fell away only three the following week.
Two Swedish anglers Kent and Yan landed 6 between them, best a fresh 16lb fish from Sallochan and a 12lb from Corbie Stairs, David Connor had 4 from Bankweil Inc a 16lb fish. Another Swede, Harald Carlen had 3 from Bankweil and Dalni best 14lb. Andrew Cowan had an 8lb from the Scaur and 5lb from Twins. The 3 fish on the 2nd week were all 5lb grilse caught by Richard Chivers party and Dr Haskin’s party.
Kirkhill had three on the 3rd for Paul and Robert from Stoke 8lb 5lb & 5lb this was the first time on Stinchar for the lads. Bruce Hamilton landed his first of the season and one for Gilbert as well both these fish were small grilse and all fish returned.
At Bardrochat, Kenny McGregor had a 12lb & a 20lb out the Dub on Sat 13th
Successful rods at Dalreoch and Almont were Willie Peffer with fish of 5lb 16lb and 19lb, Brian Robb 13lb, Stuart Swindon 11lb, Colin Hyslop 6lb and Paul Good 15lb and 5lb.
I also have heard of a number of fish from the Wee Stinchar but it is difficult to obtain information from a lot of the little farm stretches. Anglers here are very reluctant to broadcast their catches for some reason.
Anglers are reminded of the code of conduct produced by the river board recommending no worm fishing during the month of October. Please keep any fish in the water at all times during unhooking prior to returning it

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