
2014 season

The honour of landing the first fish of the season goes to Les Howarth. Les was spinning midway down the Duchat on Colmonell Club water
on the morning of May 8th when he hooked and landed a sea-liced fish around 6lbs. The fish was quickly returned and sent on its way. Well done Les!! It is a pity he did not think to collect a couple of scales to allow a scale reading. We can only assume it was a small 2SW fish as it is highly unlikely to be a grilse this early. It will be probably 2 months yet before we start to see them arriving.

A good number of rods were out on Sat 10th but after overnight rain the river crept up all day which is not ideal conditions.

It will be interesting to see what’s about if the water holds to the start of the week


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