
June fishing

The water dropped away until rain on Fri 29th  had it back up to 6ft on Fri night. Sat morning it was 3’8’’ at Colmonell Bridge and it wasn’t long before the reports of fish caught were flying about via text messages. This is a perfect height for the Club water and Sandy Wilson had a great day, landing 3 on a Blair spoon 6, 9 and 13lb. He kept the 9lb fish and returned the other two. Sandy also landed a rainbow of 5lbs, no doubt came over the dam wall of Pinbraid during last week’s flood. Sandy killed the fish and anyone who encounters such fish is advised to do likewise. Immediately upstream at Kirkhill, Gilbert Brown had a 10lb fish (returned) on a Rapala. This was the only fish of the day here despite a good number of rods out. Owen Samson who’s usually in the thick of the action fished for 13hrs on Sat without a pull.
Dalreoch had a decent team of rods out but still nothing to report. This was the also the case at Knockdolian until early evening when John Hall got them off the mark with a lovely fish of around 14lb from McCallum (returned). This was followed shortly by a 17lb fish from the tail of Bankweil by the keeper Peter Bradshaw. Almont had two on Sat, a 10lb fish from the Hut Pool on a red devil for Johnny Gaff, and a first on fly for Stuart Swindon 7lb also from the Hut. Stuart lost a big fish the previous week when the braided loop parted company from his fly line. This is a story which is often related in these columns. My advice is to check and change them regularly. The loops are inexpensive and only take a few minutes to change. Eddy Smith had two on Sat up at Minuntion on the Wee Stinchar, he kept one 10lb and returned the other. 


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